Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let go and stop worrying!

Find peace now;  let go of the past and stop worrying about the future. Worrying only attracts what we don't want. Do the best you can each moment and enjoy the experience.  Refrain from judgment.  Do not label your experiences as good or bad, simply allow them to be.  You don't need to mentally repeat the experience to remember the next time whether or not you would make the same choice.  Let it go ... your mind will be clear and ready to make the next choice! 

 Dr. Wayne Dyer, my favorite inspirational writer, wrote this in his book ~ Wisdom of the Ages: 
"Try to be less rational and intellectual about your life and how you organize it.  Let go of your mental inclinations to compute and just allow yourself to be and to be pulled by that future pull that is the source of life.  And by the way, enjoy the luscious watermelon, rather than attempting to understand it."

The sun rises everyday, giving you a new opportunity to enjoy life's experiences.  Let go and enjoy the new day!

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