Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let go and stop worrying!

Find peace now;  let go of the past and stop worrying about the future. Worrying only attracts what we don't want. Do the best you can each moment and enjoy the experience.  Refrain from judgment.  Do not label your experiences as good or bad, simply allow them to be.  You don't need to mentally repeat the experience to remember the next time whether or not you would make the same choice.  Let it go ... your mind will be clear and ready to make the next choice! 

 Dr. Wayne Dyer, my favorite inspirational writer, wrote this in his book ~ Wisdom of the Ages: 
"Try to be less rational and intellectual about your life and how you organize it.  Let go of your mental inclinations to compute and just allow yourself to be and to be pulled by that future pull that is the source of life.  And by the way, enjoy the luscious watermelon, rather than attempting to understand it."

The sun rises everyday, giving you a new opportunity to enjoy life's experiences.  Let go and enjoy the new day!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Having faith is a big leap for many people.  They conjure up the worst case scenario, imagining what might happen and then try to insurance against all possibilities.  Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating a reckless approach to life, there is a need for insurance and having a cautious, prudent outlook in life is a balancing act. Like many things in life we must choose the risks we are willing to take.  I just feel that we have gone overboard, trying to ensure that every possibility is covered.  The thing is, life is full of surprises and some of them although not welcomed initially, may be exactly what we need.
Fearless and carefree!  Do you remember when you were in your early 20's and risks were taken on with enthusiasm?  I completely trusted the  universe to deliver.  I had no doubt that things would work out for the best; if a job was lost, well that was because there was a better one on the way.  I vividly remember the feeling and it was joyous and full of hope.
Apparently the brain is not fully developed until around age twenty-five; the part of the brain that gives us caution and stops us from acting without consideration for the risks.  That being said, we may have acted without thinking, but we must be careful that we don't spend our lives thinking without acting or or we really will never live at all.
Start small, assume the best, trust in the next moment in your life.  Try it on, see how it feels. Build on it each day,  until you  return to the spiritual security that we have totally lost while being consumed with economic security.