Monday, November 8, 2010

Grateful for what is.

Sunsets are one of the most photographed scenes, each one is unique and changes by the minute.  It is the end of a day and truly one of life's greatest gifts.  Surprise sunsets are the best, ones you're not expecting seem to be even more spectacular.  I recently experienced a sunset that was looming behind a crowded stadium, the rain was drizzling to the east while the sun broke through the clouds to the west.

The beauty that is offered to us in life can be so easily missed.  I'm sure there were many people in the crowded stadium who remained seated with there eyes focussed on the grey eastern skies.  Perhaps we should think about this in our everyday lives and try to change our view, try something different, go somewhere new, you never know what you're missing until you see it. 
Focus on the positive that life offers you and you will attract more positive situations.  Accept that every situation will not be perfect and be grateful for what is.