Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It amazes me to think that the baby-boom generation has not brought their ideals to light.  Have the peace loving hippies changed their attitude or have they become silent?  Has technology taken us too far, have we lost the connectivity that we had with face-to-face gatherings?  Yes, I know, there are plenty of people doing good things to help feed the hungry, help with the environment, voices against war and violence.  Why is this never enough?  What are we missing?  "To bring peace to Earth, strive to make your own life peaceful."

"Want peace for others."  My teenage son uses the phrase, "peace", when he starts and ends a conversation.  I found it kind-of refreshing, actually it was nice to hear a word I could actually understand, compared with the new teen language  which needs translation. 

We were recently at a camp-site where there was 300-400 people living side-by-side like sardines for a week.  It was a zoo!  But it was a peaceful zoo.  Let me explain.  All of these people cared about their neighbour, they concerned themselves with how they might disturb them, how they could co-exist peacefully.  It is also unique to camping that you can leave bikes unlocked, the tent zipped-up with valuables, the electronic gadgets we can't live without, and there is an unspoken truth that campers don't steal.  There is peace amongst campers...want peace for others.

 Thoughts become energy...think peace, send peace, advocate peace and strive to make your own life peaceful.